Game of Chess? Reviewing your Marketing Plan

Game of chess anyone?  We have talked a lot about marketing strategies and chess more than any other game requires you to refine your strategic thinking, it is a topic we will continue to look at because it is so important, your marketing plan forms part of this. Designed to create awareness and generate interest…

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Customer Retention Case Study: Sainsbury’s

Is customer retention a thing of the past?  More and more, larger businesses seem to be taking the opportunity to increase existing clients prices year on year, assuming that they will not take time out of their busy schedules to review household outgoings such as: home insurance premiums or the cost of household fuel.  There…

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How to spring clean your social media!

Spring is sprung, and there is a definite warmth to the air (although you might not believe it with the rain over the last few days).  As with all things why not take the opportunity to spring clean your social media channels?  So what do I mean with this?  Well it is always a good…

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How will GDPR effect your marketing?

There seems to be ever increasing discussion within the marketing industry at the moment as organisations realise they need to prepare for the new General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR), coming into force on 25th May 2018.  Alongside the GDPR regulation changes there is also an update planned for the E-privacy laws, both of these updates…

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Client Case Study: Big Brown Dog Canine Massage Therapy

I sometimes meet a new small business owner and it may not be immediately clear how a freelance marketing consultant could help them drive their business forward.  To try to answer this question I wanted to share a fantastic client case study with Jacqui from Big Brown Dog Canine Massage Therapy: About the business: Big…

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Celebrating Rimu Marketing’s 3rd birthday!

I can’t believe that this month we celebrate Rimu Marketing’s 3rd birthday.  When I worked within the corporate world I would never have imagined that this amazing and powerful community of small businesses existed and I would be part of it.  Every month I learn something new, every week I meet more inspirational business owners and…

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