PR ideas for small businesses

This month we are going to focus on PR.  PR, or ‘Public Relations’, relates to the practice of managing your brand image through communication with the public and media outlets.  There are many benefits of spending time on PR.  These include helping to build awareness of your business, help engage with your target audience and…

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What is so important about small business branding?

So, lets start at the beginning, what is branding?  And as a small business why do you need it?  Simply branding can be defined as: “The marketing practice of creating a name, symbol or design that identifies and differentiates a product from other products” Source: Entrepreneur.  Effective branding will enable you to differentiate yourself from…

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The future of Facebook

As a freelance marketing consultant it concerns me when I meet a small business owner and I hear them say “Oh I don’t have a website, I don’t need one, I have a Facebook page”.  In my head plays the Bugs Bunny klaxon sound “NOOOOOOO”, that is the worst thing you can do.  So what…

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Driving your Small Business

When you run your own small business, getting back to into the working spirit after the summer holidays can be tough, whether you have been off with the family or continuing to work.  Some how the long, lazy, warm summer evenings seem to absorb all of our energies.  Without a manager setting you targets and…

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Marketing tips to retain business over the Summer!

When you’re running a small or medium sized business we all need some down time, what better time to take a break than over the summer?  More often than not so are our clients.  It pays to plan ahead and put measures in place to keep things ticking over while you take a summer break.…

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FREE Social Media Planning Tool

Social media is unquestionably a really key part of business today, but in particular for a small/ medium size business, many of my clients are either overwhelmed or just simply don’t know where to start.  Social media is not complicated, but it can be timing consuming and if your efforts are focused in the wrong…

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