Build a customer loyalty programme for your small business

It is often cited that to acquire new customers it can be as much as 10 times more expensive vs engaging with your existing customers.  So with this in mind it is important to consider, as a small business owner or start-up, how to focus on keeping your existing clients happy and reward them.  Of course it…

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5 rules for online Customer Engagement Marketing

As individuals we are bombarded, daily, with many messages, in recent research from Marketo they claim that we receive about 3,000 messages per day.  As a small business marketing consultant we see many of our clients who have limited time and budget, finding it difficult to cut through all of that noise and connect with their…

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How important is customer loyalty for a small business?

I recently had an interesting experience when renewing my home insurance.  Now like many I watch the programmes on television which advise you to shop around and over the last few years I had been lazy.  Being busy running a business and home I had not taken the time to review my home insurance.  Well…

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