Back to school – a Digital Marketing refresh!

By Sophie Comas / October 8, 2017

In today’s digital marketing world things move fast, buyer decisions are made quicker and customers expect faster responses to questions and queries than ever before. I have worked in marketing for nearly 20yrs, things change so quickly, especially within the digital marketing arena,  it had been a while since I had studied anything formally so…

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4 tips to help refocus your business this Autumn

By Sophie Comas / September 5, 2017

As everyone returns from holiday and the children head back to school, this time of year somehow feels like a fresh start and a new beginning.  Now is the perfect time to refocus and try to drive business for the remainder of 2017, and start to think about what 2018 might bring.  We talk a…

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What makes a good email subject line?

By Sophie Comas / August 31, 2017

When it comes to getting your emails opened, an effective email subject line is one of the most important factors. Think about it – all your hard work in crafting the perfect email will go to waste if no one reads it! A good subject line will entice more people to open your emails, help…

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Email Marketing Case Study – with PayPal

By Sophie Comas / August 22, 2017

In this blog, we will be looking at an email marketing case study focusing on a campaign from PayPal, looking at why it creates engagement with its audience and how you, as a small business owner, can harness these tips and tricks for your own benefit. While there are many brands that stand out for…

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Email Marketing Campaigns – a key tool for the tourism industry

By Sophie Comas / July 1, 2017

It is definitely that time of year when most of us wish to take some down time and head for warmer climes, often to avoid the British weather!  This is also the time of year when we may see renewed energy and focus from the travel industry and an increase in their email marketing campaigns,…

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Game of Chess? Reviewing your Marketing Plan

By Sophie Comas / June 13, 2017

Game of chess anyone?  We have talked a lot about marketing strategies and chess more than any other game requires you to refine your strategic thinking, it is a topic we will continue to look at because it is so important, your marketing plan forms part of this. Designed to create awareness and generate interest…

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