Is your marketing strategy still on track?
Following on from our blog last month where we were talking about “Mindfulness” I wanted take another look at our marketing strategy for small businesses. I know that a lot of businesses will have written their marketing strategy in January and now, half way through the year is a great time to be reviewing how…
Read MoreMindful Small Business Marketing!
The concept of “Mindfulness” is everywhere, even Steve Wright (on BBC Radio 2) was interviewing someone on this topic, this week and Goldie Hawn was speaking about her new book about mindfulness with Jonathan Ross a few weeks back. So what is this concept? Well, quite simply I believe it is the idea of being…
Read MoreRimu Marketing Celebrates 1st Birthday!
Rimu Marketing celebrates 1st Birthday! I cannot believe that it is a year ago I took the plunge to start Rimu Marketing! How time has flown and what an amazing journey I have been on, I have learnt so much and met so many inspirational people along the way, from leaders trying to change the…
Read MorePartnership marketing for small businesses!
March is finally here and at last the weather is starting to feel like Spring! Why not take the opportunity to give your marketing strategy a spring clean? Partnership marketing for small businesses is a key tool within that mix to consider. At Rimu Marketing we talk a lot about Evaluating your business, Building a plan to take you…
Read MoreMarketing Content for your business!
Across the Marketing Industry there is a phrase that “Content is King”, with the advice being given to businesses of all sizes to engage with their customers, don’t talk at them but build a relationship with them – you need good, engaging content to achieve this. So, as a small business how do you…
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