Game of Chess? Reviewing your Marketing Plan

Game of chess anyone?  We have talked a lot about marketing strategies and chess more than any other game requires you to refine your strategic thinking, it is a topic we will continue to look at because it is so important, your marketing plan forms part of this. Designed to create awareness and generate interest…

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The shop window to your business

This month, we are delighted to welcome our guest blog writer, Joanne Howe, Creative Copywriter from who will talk to us a little more about the importance of having great website content.  Read on to discover what Jo has to say . .  Have you ever walked along the high street, been drawn to a striking…

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How to create great Content Ideas

Content is King.  For a while now in the marketing industry this has definitely been a buzz word and as we saw in our 2016 Marketing Trends – Part 2 blog this is something that will continue for the foreseeable future.  Content Ideas generation is at the heart of marketing in today’s world and especially so…

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Keeping your business on track over the summer!

The last month seems to have flown by, with children, school and work taking an even faster pace than usual, as we head towards the summer holidays, they are finally here! As a Mum and small business owner being able to multi-task is essential, sometimes balls get dropped, hopefully not the important things like forgetting…

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Marketing Content for your business!

  Across the Marketing Industry there is a phrase that “Content is King”, with the advice being given to businesses of all sizes to engage with their customers, don’t talk at them but build a relationship with them – you need good, engaging content to achieve this.  So, as a small business how do you…

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